The Larkin Street Youth Services Art Program offers youth engaged in our services opportunities for creative expression to develop artistic skills, build resilience, and open paths toward arts entrepreneurship. 

Larkin Street Youth Services is a nonprofit empowering young people to move beyond homelessness.

Our Vision

To end youth homelessness by making it rare, brief, and one-time.

Our Mission

To create a continuum of services that inspires youth to move beyond the street. We nurture potential, promote dignity and support bold steps by all.

Instruction & mentoring in performing arts, visual arts and design

Together, our Staff team, made up of working artists, our House Artist team of local community artists and youth artist interns host individual and group classes, workshops and one-to-one mentoring in music production, illustration, painting, animation, media and graphic arts and design, theater Improvisation, dance, and performance making.

In addition to skills training, young people enrolled in the Art Program have access to  field trips to connect with arts and culture institutions in the community, as well as, performance opportunities, internships, apprenticeships and other education, employment and career opportunities, in collaboration with our community partners.   

A training ground & safe and brave space for all creatives!

A HOME for those who want to share their magic, get down with their soul mission & have some fun in community!

Art House @ 134, our Art Studio, is located at Larkin Street’s headquarters, in the Larkin Street Academy department, where youth can also access training, opportunities and support through our Education and Employment teams.